Alpha Phi Alpha does not permit membership intake at the chapter level. Individuals who would like to become members of the Fraternity should download the form and mail the completed form to:
National Director of Membership Services
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
2313 St. Paul Street; Baltimore, MD 21218.
If you are interested in joining the ranks of Alpha through the Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter, please send an email to the following address:
Email: intake@betagammalambda.com
Membership brochures can be obtained from your local college or university, or by calling Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's Corporate Headquarters at (410) 554.0040.
An application for membership into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. will be mailed to the aspirant within 3-5 days after the form is received and processed at the Fraternity's Corporate Headquarters. Upon receiving the application, please read the application package in its entirety and follow the instruction as stated. The Membership Intake Process is explained in the application package.
Be advised that all communication regarding the Intake process must be directed to the appropriate official. The completed application should be forwarded directly to the District Director of the state where the chapter is located. Do not forward an application to the Corporate Headquarters or give an application to a member of the fraternity. The Fraternity will not consider an application for membership unless all requirements are fully satisfied.
Alpha Phi Alpha recognizes two types of membership, College and Alumni. An aspirant may apply for membership into a College Chapter as an undergraduate student in good standing at a fully accredited four year college or university. Aspirants may apply for membership into an Alumni Chapter as a graduate who has earned a degree from a fully accredited four year college of university.
More than 150,000 men have joined the ranks of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., since the organization's founding in 1906. The Fraternity is international with local chapters located throughout the United States, District of Columbia, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Africa. The organization has been interracial since 1945.
Suggested Readings:
The History Of Alpha Phi Alpha , Bro. Charles H. Wesley
The Divine Nine , Bro. Lawrence C. Ross, Jr.
For more information: www.apa1906.net